With a newly installed irrigation system from Water Works Lawn Sprinkler, you can be assured of a 2 year warranty on parts and labor. All systems are fully automatic and can be serviced through a remote control port, from the outside of your home. To make for easy convenient service. We install nothing but top quality parts, some of the industries leading names such as, Hunter and Rain Bird. Every system comes with 2 choices of water conservation devices (weather stations). One choice is a rain sensor, which will not allow the system to operate while it is raining out. The second option is a weather station device, which monitors evaporation rates and precipitation rates and every night calculates how much, if any water your lawn needs. It uses the least amount of water to keep your lawn green. To see a list of all the products we use, including heads, valves controllers, and more, go to the products page.
Call or Email for your free estimate today 781-231-0878 or WaterWorksLS@yahoo.com